Route of the Americas
When PAHO’s Directing Council approved the first Regional Plan of Action in the world for Health in All Policies in September 2014, it took the lead in implementing an innovative and ambitious approach to the formulation of public policies. HiAP was first defined in the Adelaide Declaration of 2010 and then in the global framework for action by the countries in the Helsinki declaration. The prompt action of the Organization reveals the promise of this new approach to health promotion and the broad support of its goals and objectives.
At the same time, the HIAP incorporates many elements of health promotion and the formulation of health policies that have been developed and debated for decades. It is based on the widespread view of health and well-being defined by Alma Ata (1978) and addressing the public health policies established in the Ottawa Charter (1986). It also recognizes the important contributions of the movement in addressing the social determinants of health and health equities identified by the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (2008).
In the context of the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Health in All Policies is defined as "an approach to public policies across sectors that systematically takes into account the health implications of decisions, seeks synergies, and avoids harmful health impacts, in order to improve population health and health equity”. In the framework for country action, PAHO’s Action Plan on HiAP was based on six strategic areas identified in the Declaration of Helsinki as well as on elements from the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health and the Rio + 20 Conference on Sustainable Development, which required dynamic approaches to policymakingacross sectors to address growing inequities, particularly in the area of health.
Due to its importance, a strategy to move the Plan of Action on HIAP into effective results was put into action. Given its innovative nature, expert guidance was sought and experiences have been studied both in the Region of the Americas and elsewhere. With these objectives in mind, the Special Program on Sustainable Development and Health Equity organized an Expert Consultation on HiAP in Washington, DC, from March 31 to April 1, 2015. This meeting provided an opportunity to gather world leaders in the field as well as experts from academia and politics of the Americas and other countries with relevant experience in HiAP, such as Finland and Australia. The purpose of this meeting was to translate the Plan of Action on HIAP into a roadmap, identifying concrete actions that would be crucial for the Region to implement HiAP.
Glasses to perceive gender roles: Play and teach Health in School
In some schools in Havana, there are boys and girls who have classes that do not seem like classes, because there is no one dictating things but the narrative comes from the children experiencing and starring in them. In their classrooms children learn to use the" gender glasses" which help them to understand how they learn to be men or women, to play these roles, and how they can decide what to keep, discard or transform from that social inheritance. This program was initiated at the National School of Public Health in Cuba, which involves different disciplines and sectors, and includes faculty and families. This is the story of an action research project focusing on the Social Determinants of Health.
Rio 2016: Primary Health Care as a legacy
In 2008 Rio de Janeiro received two important and contrasting news: it was selected as the host of the Olympic Games in 2016 and it appeared as the Brazilian city with the worst health indicators. The Municipal Government decided to link the two facts and intends to organize the Olympics where the main legacy that is left for its citizenship is a reform of Primary Health Care (APS) that benefits the development of competition as well as improving and dignifying life for the citizens of Rio. They have gone from coverage in APS of 150 thousand people in 2008, to 2.5 million people in 2012 , nearly 40 % of its target population. An example of an international sports event that was used as a motivation to produce results in Health with an equity approach.
Human sustainable development in Boca de Mao
The experience of Boca de Mao in the Dominican Republic is a local example that shows how the Health In All Policies (HiAP) approach may be present at a smaller scale. It showcases the level of coordination between a strong community organization that presents and manages its demands, and a holistic and coordinated response from various government sectors. The experience focuses its efforts on raising awareness through education and moving towards concrete actions on issues that concern the environment, food safety, health monitoring and nutrition.
Forging Partnerships for a Tobacco Free Suriname
A law that seeks a tobacco-free country, was the result of a hard negotiation process that mobilized the health sector in Suriname. From the beginning this sector knew it could not act alone . It is based on a collaborative effort with contributions from different sectors. It included lobbying with political leaders and the private sector, as well as a creating awareness and mobilizing citizens. The law was passed in 2013 with an absolute majority.
Special Act to Regulate Tobacco
The Special Act to Regulate Tobacco in Honduras , has been active since 2011. This act regulates the production, distribution , marketing, import, consumption and advertising of tobacco. It was the result of an intense and intersectoral negotiation process to design it, promote it at the legislative level for its adoption as a policy, and subsequent coordination to familiarize citizens with it.
Life Points
In Bolivia , a Life Point is a mobile tent located in a public place . Anyone can come and learn to prevent the risks of contracting non communicable diseases . The program began in La Paz and has spread to all nine departments of Bolivia . The initiative was started by a civic organization that has achieved to mobilize certain government sectors. The long queues in front of the tents speak of the warm reception that citizens have given to the project.