

Health Promotion Through Community Radio AMORB / FM

In Porto Alegre , Brazil, an example of intersectoral information exchange has been launched through a community radio microphone. The radio program " In the Radio Waves " talks and raises awareness about health and its promotion . Speakers have a dialogue with the audience on how to empower themselves to achieve a better quality of life and to learn about disease prevention. This is a case study of community organization, in collaboration with different institutions.

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The Zero Hunger Pact and its Implementation in Tajumulco

The Zero Hunger Pact in Guatemala and its implementation in the municipality of Tajamulco, is a good example of how a national policy can be adopted and implemented locally through intersectoral cooperation. The Pact intervenes in the social determinants that generate malnutrition and inequality, improving access to food and nutrition of children in the municipalities and most vulnerable populations .

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For decades, years, and months, many communities and governments of the Americas have been striving for ways to improve human development and the quality of life for its people. The programs and experiences that meet the criteria for Health in All Policies (HiAP) have been included in our site. These experiences embody the values, purposes and values of HiAP. Do you have an experience that meets the criteria of HiAP? If so, please download the form and submit your experience. A team at PAHO will review it and if it is approved it will be published on this website. To be considered please fill the form and email it to:

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